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Wednesday, February 12, 2003,12:00 a.m.Pacific


Some like it raw



Judith Blake


ブーテンコさん(Victoria Boutenko)の食事法を取り上げます。おそらくあなたは二度とコンロの奴隷にならないでしょう。もしかするとコンロが不要になるかも知れません。

ブーテンコさんは調理コンロを持っていません。彼女と夫イガロさん(Igor)と二人の十代の子供たちはキッチンからそれを取り外しました。ぜなら生の食物のみ食べるからです。全く加熱調理をしません。ビクトリアさんは「raw-foods lifestyle」の著者で、今週末にシアトルでの講演で生菜食について教えてくれます。








アメリカでどれくらいの人が生菜食をしているのか誰も知りません。しかし多くの都市はに生菜食の団体があります。シアトル・ローフード・コミュニティ(The Seattle Raw Foods Community)は約165人の会員がいます。www.rawseattle.org

生菜食は予想以上に広まりました。カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコマリーン郡で流行している白いテーブルクロスのロクサーン・レストラン(Roxannes Restaurant)は、「生」あるいは「生きた」装飾的で美食家向きの食事のみを提供します。シアトルの洒落たベジタリアン・カフェ、アンブロシア(Ambrosia)は毎月数日間生食メニューを提供します。

「生食料理を準備するのはとても楽しいです」とアンブロシアのシェフ、フランセスさん(Frances Janes)は言います。加熱料理の風味と魅力に近いおいしい料理を創っているのをお客様が思い巡らしながら待っているのはとても有難いといいます。生菜食者(ローフーダー)は料理コンロが必要ありません。しかし、ジューサー、ブレンダー、フードプロセッサー、そして脱水装置をよく使います。


ブーテンコさんの本「12 Steps to Raw Foods」から生料理をいくつか紹介します。










19歳のセリゲイさんと16歳のバリヤさんはこの食養生に喜んで受け入れているようです。自分たちの本「Eating Without Heating」を書いています。シアトルタイムズが取材した健康の専門家は、ローフードだけでこの家族のような健康改善がみられたことを説明するのは難しいとしています。


ビクトリアさんの家族では改善されましたが、減量は喘息を回復する可能性があるとニューヨーク州ケンモアにあるバステュール大学(Bastyr University)の栄養学部長を務め、代替医療研究の中心人物であるケスティン氏は言います。またビーガン食事法は生か否かに関わらず、人によっては喘息を促進する食物感受性を消す可能性があるといいます。


シアトルのパシフィック・ノースウエスト研究機関(Pacific NorthwestResearch Institute)の糖尿病研究員によると、治療しないと致命的な糖尿病1型に関して、まれなケースとして自然に病気が鎮静するけれども、食生活を関連づけた治療はまず見込みがないといいます。





生食支持者は、消化に必要で非常に重要な身体の酵素が調理された食物によって使い果たされるといいますが、ワシントン大学の栄養専門家アダム博士(Adam Drewnowski)は「それには根拠がない」といいます。





Take up Victoria Boutenko's way of eating and you'll never again slave over

a hot stove. Or even need a stove.

Boutenkodoesn't own one. She and her husband, Igor, and their two teenagers

got rid of their kitchen range because they eat only raw food, cooking absolutely nothing.

Victoria, the author of books on the raw-foods lifestyle, will show how it's done

in a series ofSeattletalks this weekend.

The Ashland,Ore., family is not alone. AroundPuget Soundand across the country,

raw-food loyalists hold potlucks, swap recipes and support each other in a diet

they believe is more healthful than eating cooked food.


Calling cooked food "an addiction," the Boutenkos are certain the raw foods

they've eaten exclusively for nine years account for their good health.

"I couldn't believe how quickly (my health) began to change," says Victoria, 47,

who travels the country giving raw-food talks and workshops.

For breakfast on the day she was interviewed, she had a cup of almond "milk"

made from ground almonds. Lunch was a salad of baby greens, avocado,

dehydrated onions, olive oil and lemon juice; an apple; and crackers made

from ground, seasoned flaxseeds. "It's very, very simple to make raw food,"

she said.


No one knows just how many raw-fooders there are nationally, but many cities

have groups of advocates. The Seattle Raw Foods Community lists

about 165 members on its Web site, www.rawseattle.org.

Raw foods have gone upscale in some settings. Roxanne's Restaurant,

a white-tablecloth eatery in trendy Marin County, Calif., near San Francisco,

serves raw or "living" foods only, preparing them in fancy, gourmet style.

Seattle's tony, vegetarian Cafe Ambrosia includes raw dishes on its menu

several days each month.

"I think it is very, very fun to do," said Ambrosia chef Frances Janes.


"I love the fact that you have to think outside the box" to create inviting dishes

that approach the flavor and appeal of cooked ones.

Raw-fooders may not need a kitchen stove, but they find plenty of use for juicers,

blenders, food processors and dehydrators.

What do they make?

A sampling from Victoria Boutenko's book, "12 Steps to Raw Foods":

" Vegetarian burgers, uncooked.Made from ground nuts, carrots, onion,

honey or bananas, oil and a variety of seasonings.

" Igor's Crackers. These are mainly ground flaxseeds combined

with chopped and blended onion, celery, tomatoes, garlic, salt, caraway

and coriander seed. Thinly rolled out, the mixture is then dehydrated.

" Live fries.Onion powder, olive oil, sea salt and paprika are added

to jicama sliced to the shape of French fries.

" Chili. It's made with chopped and blended tomatoes, raisins, celery,

sun-dried tomatoes, spaghetti seasoning, hot chili peppers, garlic, olive oil,

dehydrated mushrooms and onions. Bean, pea or lentil sprouts are added

after the blending.


Most raw-fooders are vegetarians. The Boutenkos are vegans,

eating no animal foods of any kind, including dairy. Victoria said some followers

eat raw fish, raw eggs and raw milk (though many food-safety experts do not advise this).

She said her family's chief raw-foods benefit has been general good health,

though they've also lost weight.

Immigrants from Russia, where food was scarce, the family was overwhelmed

by the abundance of food in the United States after arriving here in 1990,

she said. Soon, they were all overweight, Victoria gaining more than 100 pounds.

All quickly shed their excess weight on raw foods, she said.

She's convinced raw foods banished daughter Valya's asthma, son Sergei's

Type 1 diabetes and other ailments in the family. Today, they're all highly active,

doing such things as hiking, running marathons and swimming. Igor does 1,000

pushups a day.

Sergei, 19, and Valya, 16, seem to have adopted the regimen with gusto,

writing an enthusiastic book of their own, "Eating Without Heating."

Health authorities interviewed by The Seattle Times weren't convinced

raw foods alone could explain such health improvements as this family's.



For example, weight loss  however achieved  can improve asthma,

said Mark Kestin, who chairs the nutrition department at Kenmore's Bastyr

University, a center of alternative-medicine studies. Also, a vegan diet,

whether raw or not, may remove food sensitivities that promote asthma

in some, he said.


However, he noted that in a Finnish study, a raw-food diet was linked

to reduced rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia, both autoimmune diseases.

In theory, it might also help asthma, though that's not known, he said.

As for Type 1 diabetes, which can be fatal if untreated, there are rare cases

of spontaneous remission but a diet-linked cure is extremely unlikely,

said diabetes researchers at Seattle's Pacific Northwest Research Institute.

Kestin said raw foods offer both nutritional pluses and minuses.

Cooking destroys some of the vitamin C in spinach, for example.

However, a person is likely to eat more cooked spinach than raw,

perhaps canceling out the difference, he said.



The body absorbs certain nutrients better when a food is cooked than raw,

Kestins aid. That's the case with the beta carotene in carrots and the lycopene

in tomatoes, for example.

Yet these nutrients are abundant in fruits and vegetables, so eating lots of them

would make up for absorption losses, he said.


Raw-food advocates say eating cooked food depletes essential body enzymes

needed for digestion, but University of Washington nutrition expert Dr. Adam

Drewnowski said, "There's no evidence of that whatsoever."

But he said that if the diet encourages people to eat more fruits and vegetables,

that's good. As with any vegetarian diet, he added, raw-fooders must take care

to get enough protein.

Anyone contemplating such a major dietary change should consult a nutritionist,

experts advised.




クョスコニョ    [1] 
 前のテキスト: 生菜食のヒントとアドバイス
 次のテキスト: 最後の掲示物です。






