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The Raw Vegan E-Newsletter 2003/02 より

Tips and Practical Advice.










空腹に耳を傾け、ニセの食欲には従がわないようにしましょう。空腹と食欲を区別しなければなりません。空腹は真の生理学的要求で、食物への強い要求が表れます。食欲はニセの空腹で、とても気まぐれで、とても多くを要求し、決して満足しません。それゆえに真の空腹を知り、単なる食欲で食べないようにするのはとても重要です。この詳細は私の著作「The Raw Secrets」で詳しく説明しています。





































これらは、生菜食生活を成功させるにあたり役に立つだろうと思われるヒントとアイディアです。詳しくは「The Raw Secrets」を読んでください。







The Raw Secrets」に関する更なる情報はこちらをご覧ください。http://click.topica.com/maaaPNqaaVUfub2618Zb/




Avoid eating late at night or late in the evening. It takes a few

days only to integrate this practice. Eat your evening meal not

later than7-8 p.m., and avoid eating anything else after that.

Ideally, don't eat anything 3-4 hours before going to bed. By eating

before going to sleep you are disturbing digestion and sleep, and

putting food in your body when it is least capable of assimilating



Avoid eating sweet fruit in the evening. Your evening meal should be

composed of vegetables with either: avocado, olives, nuts or seeds.

Eating fruit in the evening will disturb sleep, due to their

(natural) sugar content. Especially avoid eating acid fruits in the

evening, such as oranges or pineapple. The body is at this time too

tired to neutralize the acids in the fruit, and they will disturb

sleep and digestion. An old French saying tells us that: oranges are

gold in the morning, silver at noon, and bronze at night.


Avoid eating fat during the day. This works for a lot of people. The

best time to eat fat is in the evening. During the day, prefer fruit

and green vegetables for optimum digestion and energy.


Pay attention to hunger, and don't feed your false appetite. We

have to differentiate between hunger and appetite. Hunger is true

physiological need, expressed by a strong desire for food. Appetite

is false hunger, is very capricious, very demanding, and is never

fully satisfied. Therefore, it is important that we learn to know

what true hunger is, and avoid feeding merely our appetite. I go

into great details on this in my book The Raw Secrets.


Exercise to create true hunger. Vigorous exercise is an essential

component of a healthy lifestyle. While health cannot be achieved

alone through fitness, it cannot be separated from it. Regular,

vigorous exercise may be the missing piece in your health puzzle. By

exercising vigorously, we create true demand for food and prepare

thus the ground for superior assimilation, upon which radiant health



Limit the quantity of fat in your diet. Most raw-foodists go

overboard on raw fat. Avocados, oils, olives, nuts and seeds tend to

dominate in the diet. I have found this to be the main cause for

lack of energy while on a raw-food diet. Dr. Graham recommends to

limit our fat consumption to about 10% of calories coming from fat.

This means that if you eat 2000 calories only 22 grams of fat

(since 1 gram of fat equals 9 calories) per day. To put it in

perspective, half a medium avocado contains that amount. Of course,

younger people who exercise more will tend to eat more calories, and

could eat more fat.


For many years, I used to eat 2-4 avocados per day (not to mention

the periods when I was eating more) with maybe some olive oil. I

would eat up to 4-5 ounces of nuts (or even more), and sometimes

have nuts and avocado during the same day. I would sometimes make

salads that would contain three avocados, 2-4 tablespoons of olive

oil and a handful of olives. The result was constant fatigue and

difficulty of concentration.


Since then, I have been able to limit my fat intake to about 15-20%

of calories coming from fat. Not exactly what Dr. Graham recommends,

but close to it.Since I consume about 2000-3000 calories per day. I

have a maximum of one or two avocados per day, or two ounces of

nuts, or 4 tablespoons of nut butter. Only one kind per day. Which

brings us to the next point.


Eat only one type of fat per meal. Here are the different

concentrated, fatty foods in the raw diet:


- Avocados

- Nuts (Almonds, pistachios, pecans, etc.)

- Seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, etc.)

- Nut butters

- Oils (Olive, hemp, flax, etc.)

- Durian

- Olives


These foods are all very satisfying, but also very difficult to

digest. That is why if you mix them with each other you will

experience digestive difficulties. Hence the rule of eating only one

type at a meal, and ideally only one type a day. So when eating a

salad with avocados, don't add any oil in it, and certainly no nuts.

If you eat durian one day, that's likely to be enough fat for the

day. Have your salad plain. Also, you should know that oils and nut

butters are refined foods and not ideal. It is better to have them

only occasionally.


Eat simple foods. The raw food diet has to go into the direction of

simplicity. Why? Because that's the nature of eating raw. Raw means:

unadulterated, in its natural state. Eating uncooked foods is a step

in that direction. The next step is to start eating mostly whole

foods, simple fruits and vegetables, unmixed and unseasoned. But

what's wrong with seasonings? Mostly, they are stimulants. That is,

they contain toxic substances that irritate. For example, onions

contain mustard oil. If you don't believe that mustard oil is

irritating, try to eat a whole onion on its own! Hot peppers contain

an even more irritating substance, called capsaicin. The body reacts

to it so strongly that it will raise metabolism in its efforts of

eliminating it.


Eating spices and seasoning (salt included), in addition to cause

unnecessary stimulation, irritate the delicate intestinal tract and

interfere with digestion, also lead us to overeat -- as they mask

the taste of natural foods and encourage us to eat more. Also, when

we mix a lot of foods together, we tend to complicate digestion and

will be encouraged to overeat.


It's perfectly okay to enjoy some gourmet raw food cuisine once in a

while, but not to make a habit out of it. Instead, go in the

direction of simplicity. You will find that you will enjoy your food

much more, finally tasting the subtle but complex flavors of natural



Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. Eating a variety of fruits

and vegetables doesn't mean to eat many types of food in one meal,

and not even in one day. It means to vary your food choices over the

course of the seasons. I will explain why this is important. You may

have a favorite fruit, like oranges for example. So you may decide

to eat oranges every day. Now it's okay to do this for a little

while, but not all year round. Why? Orangesmay bring too many acids

in the body. They could be imported from a country with pretty

suspicious farming practices. They may have a few downsides like

this. So by varying your diet, you will not only make sure you get a

full spectrum of nutrients, but also will avoid the harmful effects

of making one food the center of your diet, when it could have a few

downsides you are not even aware of. Plus it's quite natural to eat

with the seasons. Why eat melons in the winter? Pure insanity.

Melons are a summer food. In the winter, we eat apples, oranges,

carrots, etc. So vary your diet and eat mostly what's in season,

without making a religion out of it.


Get support. It's almost impossible to do this on your own. We need

to be able to share our experiences with others. If you don't know

any other raw-foodist, found a support group or start your own

potlucks. In Montreal, even though we had a very small apartment, we

managed to organize potlucks which attracted up to 20 people. Now

that I live in a bigger place, I keep organizing potlucks twice a

month, which attract 20-30 people, with almost no publicity. You

will be surprised to know how many people are interested in the

raw-food diet once you start your own potlucks. Really, there are

hundreds of people in most cities that are just waiting to meet

other raw-foodists and share their experiences with them.


Avoid eating cold fruits and vegetables during the winter. Why

freeze in the winter when you don't have to? Putting cold fruits and

vegetables into your body will give you the chills faster than a

Friday the 13th movie. The room temperature is too cold already. So

to avoid freezing, immerge your fruits and vegetables in hot water

for a few minutes before consuming them. And while we're at it, I

will tell you that drinking hot water is not forbidden on a raw-food

diet. In fact, it will help you a lot to maintain your internal heat

without resorting to cooked foods or stimulating hot baths and

showers. During the winter, I always drink a quart of warm water

(sometimes with lemon) upon waking up.


Secure a good food supply. You don't want to be caught left with

only a few ribs of celery and a couple unripe oranges, while your

roommate is cooking a stir-fry and filling the apartment with

pleasant, tempting aromas. Why put yourself in a situation where the

easiest thing for you to do is to eat whatever you are trying to

avoid? Instead, be fully prepared and armed. This means shopping for

varied, quality fruits and vegetables and buy them by the box if you

need to.


These were just a few tips and ideas that will help you succeed with

your raw-food lifestyle. You will find more along with detailed

explanation in my book The Raw Secrets.


The subtitle of the book is the raw vegan diet in the real world,

but really, it should have been: "why most raw-foodists fail, and

what to do about it."


You may reach me at: www.rawvegan.com


For More Information on The Raw Secrets, Click Here





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