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Raw Life Newsletter, March 2003


Item #5
My walk with God Continues


As I continue to enrich my walk with God, my life keeps changing for the better. It is amazing how much more I build my relationship with God the more my prayers get answered. Just the other day my brother called me and told me something amazing. He told me he is no longer going to any meat. Wow! I’ve been wishing he would say this for a long time, now I prayed it. It has come true. This is a big thing. My brother would have been the last person I ever thought I’d reach with my health message. Now I am praying that he finds starts to build a personal relationship with God just as I have. I am praying that people everywhere can do this so they can all share the joy and comfort I now have.
I see so many people look in so many places to find health, happiness and comfort, but they do not have a close personal relationship with God.
Do you want control over your food addictions? Do you seek health for you and your family? Do you want to avoid worries about money? Many different books talk about steps you can take to make this happen, but there is one book that addresses all these issues and so much more. It does have all the answers. It is “The Bible” and all you have to do to start is open your hearth and have faith. Once you do that than you can start truly enjoying life.
There is no amount of money, no amount of medicine and no amount of time that can equal the amount of security and an abundant amount of enjoyment that having a personal relationship with God can give us.





Item #7
Dr. Fred Bisci
Last months newsletter had an article about fasting. The article was written by Dr. Fred Bisci. Dr. Bisci is a great friend of mine. He has a Ph.D. in nutrition. He has had a practice in Staten Island, New York, for over thirty years. Dr. "Fred" has worked with thousands of people over the years with a variety of problems. He is the co-host of his own television show in Staten Island and travels the world lecturing on health, general nutrition and the raw lifestyle. He has been on an all-raw diet himself for thirty years had has guided many people to a raw life over the years. He studied extensively the long-term effects of eating a raw diet and how to avoid disease. With a continuing desire to learn constantly, he has spent most of his life in the pursuit of the study of nutrition and science. He is very satisfied with what he has learned and continues to devote much of his time to holistic healing and personal research.
Many people have been asking Dr. Bisci to write for their magazine or newspaper for many years now. He just doesn’t have the time because he is so busy helping people with phone consultations. Dr. Fred will be joining me on the road this year at some events and he will also be writing more articles for my monthly newsletter. If you would like more information about Fred Bisic, please visit his website at www.fredbisci.com
If you would like to view he article from last months news letter about fasting please visit my website newsletter page archives at http://www.rawlife.com/newsletter/index.html

Fred Bisci医師

先月号は断食に関する記事だった。この記事はFred Bisci医師によって書かれた。彼はわたしの素晴らしい友人。彼は栄養博士号を持っている。ニューヨーク、スタテン島で30年以上に及ぶ経験がある。「Fred」医師は長年にわたり、多種の症状を抱えた多数の人を相手に働いた。彼はスタテン島で、自分のテレビ番組の共同主催者で、健康、一般的栄養と生食のライフスタイルに関する講義で世界を飛び回っている。彼自身、30年間完全生菜食をしてきた。そして多くの人を長年にわたってロー・ライフへ導いてきた。生菜食の広範囲にわたる長期作用と病気回避方法を研究した。絶えず研究したいという持続的願望で、人生の多くの時間を栄養と科学の研究従事に費やした。彼は自分が学んだことに対して非常に満足しており、多くの時間を全身治療と個人的調査に捧げ続けている。

多くの人々が長年、Bisci医師に雑誌や新聞を書いてくれるように頼んできた。彼は電話診療でとても忙しいので時間がない。Fred医師は今年私の幾つかのイベントに参加してくれる。また月刊会報にも記事を書いてくれる予定。もしFred Bisicに関する更なる情報が欲しいなら、彼のウェブサイトを訪れてください:www.fredbisci.com




Item #8
Want to get someone interested in a raw food diet, or just let people know about the benefits about eating raw foods. Here is a recent article I wrote:


The Benefits of Raw Foods

And God said, “I have given you the seed-bearing plants throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food.” Genesis 1:29
My interpretation: Eat fresh, ripe, organic raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. These foods and these foods alone were meant as fuel and nutrition for our bodies. In addition to fresh air, sunlight and water, they’re all the body needs to thrive. Interfere with this process, and the body will go into survival mode. In this article, I will not focus on the survival mode eating cooked foods entails. Instead, I’ll focus on the benefits that accrue to us when eating the foods we were told to eat by God.
We’ve all heard about calories, protein, and fat. When we eat the way God instructed, we wouldn’t care about any of them. If counting calories, burning fat, and eating high protein foods were so important, why are Americans engaging in these practices the most overweight, disease-ridden people in the world? Listening to God, and getting back to our true body design will keep us healthy.

The way to do this is with raw foods. What are the benefits of a raw food diet?
Major benefits are preserving energy and keeping your vitality level as high as possible. Overcoming major and minor diseases are common benefits, and feeling like Superman/ Superwoman is often mentioned.
Healing with raw foods: If you feel sick, weak, lazy, tired, or have a disease, eating raw foods can help you begin to overcome all that. What caused these poor bodily conditions is having supplied the body with low quality food. That produced low quality blood, or poor quality blood leading to the problems mentioned above. Eating the highest quality food will keep your blood clean and reinstate your health. All these negative bodily actions are caused by a lack of oxygen, a result of eating food that allowed the body very little oxygen. In other words, you are suffocating yourself to death when you eat foods lacking in oxygen. Raw foods contain an abundance of oxygen in mineral form. They are loaded with air for your suffocating body.
Thriving on raw foods: Your body takes much time and energy to digest non-raw foods. If you overwork a machine, it will get old fast and breakdown. A raw food diet is enzyme rich which preserves the body’s energy. The more enzymes in the food, the less the body has to work to digest the food. The enzymes go right to work to assist the body in doing the job. What to do with all this energy? Thrive! That’s what we’ll do on a raw food diet.
Other amazing benefits of a raw food diet:
Cost efficiency: People often tell me it costs too much to eat healthfully, or it costs too much to eat a raw foods. I used to think so too at one point in my life, but now I just laugh at that since I found raw foods are the least expensive you could ever buy. They can even cost nothing and often do. What costs more, a banana or a candy bar? An apple, or a slice of apple pie? Raw fruits and vegetables are the least expensive foods. Then, there are wild foods which can be found all over, and all wild foods are free to enjoy. They’re the highest quality foods, the least expensive, and they’re 100% raw.
Real fast food: Does it take longer to eat a banana, or a banana split? An orange, or a hamburger. When it comes to fast food, McDonald’s and Burger King can’t hold a candle to fruits and vegetables.
The biggest selection of foods to choose from: Did you know you could eat one new variety of fruit every day for the rest of your life and still not come close to eating all the varieties in the world? Most people in this country limit fruits to apples, bananas and oranges, but there are tons of other fruits sold in markets all over. Exotic fruits are everywhere these days. Enjoy a nice chocolate pudding fruit, or some jack fruit. Or how about a durian? Are you thinking you don’t know about these fruits? Did you know that there are over 50 kinds of bananas, 50 kinds of apples out there? Try them all; then you’ll realize there’s so much to choose from.
Enhancing mind power: It’s a known fact among raw fooders, eating raw foods helped them develop mental powers they never knew they had. It’s a scientific fact: more oxygen to the brain will help improve mental capabilities, and we already spoke about how eating raw foods brings more oxygen into the body. Many people had some form of depression until they ate more raw foods; then, their depression lifted or subsided.
Connecting with God: This is the major benefit of a raw food diet. The more you eat foods God told you to eat, the better relationship you’ll have with Him. It’s simple. If your parents told you to do something when you were a little kid and you did it, you pleased them and had a good relationship. But if you said no to them, they wouldn’t be happy with you. The more you listened to them, the better they could guide your learning about life. God works the same way. Listen to God and you will have a great relationship with Him. And God said, “I have given you the seed-bearing plants throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food.” Genesis 1:29

The more raw foods you eat, the more you’ll experience all these wonderful benefits and so many more. You’ll also start to enjoy a personal relationship with God that will enhance your whole life. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Give it a go and eat raw foods!

















Item 9
From Dr. Fred Bisci
Question 1: Can a person on a raw diet over eat on fruit?

Fred Bisci医師より


Answer: Yes, a person on a raw diet can eat too much fruit. Many people on a raw diet are under the impression that they can eat all the fruit that they desire. Over eating in general and over eating on any one food is something I would not recommend. Over eating when we first change to a raw diet is not unusual and over eating on fruit can lead to bingeing and cause your insulin to spike.

It plainly states in the glycemic index that some fruits require more insulin than others. Any food or fruit above fifty on the glycemic index will require more insulin or another food which is low on the glycemic index to change the index. It would be wise to eat lettuce and celery when eating a lot of fruit. You can also eat non-sweet fruit with sweet fruit. Non-sweet fruit is digested more like a vegetable than a fruit.

Over eating on fruit can also lead to demineralization of your teeth and decay. The man that introduced me to the raw diet over forty years ago lost his teeth for this reason. His diet consisted mostly of fruit. Over the years I have seen more problems from over eating on fruit or not eating enough of the vegetables, nuts, and seed than any other reason except detox and healing crisis.

Enjoy your fruit; it is one of the finest foods we can eat in most cases. Make sure you eat your vegetables along with plenty of variety.

Question 2: What about water on a raw diet?

Answer: Water is more important than food. You can live a long time without food, but not without water. It is true that raw fruits and vegetables are water plump foods and if you were perfect in a perfect environment, the water in that food would serve its purpose. Water is both a solvent and a transport medium. It helps dissolve and transport endogenous waste.

Distilled water is inert and has the ability to absorb more endogenous waste. Extra water can help us when we over eat, with pollution, in warm climates, before, during, and after exercise, under stress, and improper elimination. Extra water is better than not having enough. I drink two to three glasses of water when I first get up in the morning and always feel better for it.

Question 3: I have heard some people say deep breathing without exercise is not recommended, is this true?

Answer: If you lived in the pristine state of nature where there was no air pollution and you ate a perfect diet, got all the rest you needed then you would most likely be in perfect health. Not only would you not need to do any extra form of breathing but also you probably would not have to exercise either. There would be a correlation between the increase of exertion and the increase in breathing.

In our society people do forms of exercise, which do not require increase in breathing in themselves but include breathing exercise to increase their vitality and energy. Yoga is one of these exercises. It is common knowledge that in controlled stretching breathing is very important. It goes without saying; don’t do any type of deep breathing near an area of heavy pollution. The best places are near the ocean, near plenty of trees and vegetation, or any other place where the air is relatively clean.


I myself stretch and do some yoga breathing first thing in the morning, sometimes even before I get out of bed. It’s a great way to start the day even before other forms of exercise.

Question 4: Why do people become thin on a raw diet?

Answer: People become thin on a raw food diet because it is rich in enzymes and hydrogen ions. This makes more vitamins and minerals available with fewer calories. Another factor is that you are omitting all the foods in your diet that are preventing you body’s God given remedial capabilities to do what is was meant to do. The body will generate more vital power to make your body more efficient and improve the quality of tissue cells. This takes place in three stages.

The first stage is the anabolic stage where the body will discard inferior cells faster than they will be reproduced. The second stage is stabilization, when the body will replace inferior quality cells as fast as they are discarded. At the second stage the body will become stable for a period of time. The third stage is the anabolic stage, where the body will start to gain weight because the body has become more efficient and the weight will come up to optimal weight. Being lean on a raw diet, which is naturally low in calories, is the key to live a long life. Over eating of any food group even on a raw diet is not the best way to do it. The quality of this type of life, if done correctly and fully understood, is beyond reach any other way. If you are a very active person you can incorporate more food to maintain body weight. An exaggerated amount is not called for.

Question 5: Will I get enough fat on a raw diet?

Answer: Yes, if you are eating fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and avocados you will get all 20 of the fatty acids that the body needs. The human body can manufacture 18 of these fatty acids but the two essential fatty acids; Linoleic and Linolenic acids must be in your diet.

The effects of not getting enough of the essential fatty acids over a long period of time could be a real problem. Some people try to go without nuts, seeds, and avocados, which is not always a good idea. The body can seem to be doing well and run on its reserves for many years before it develops a problem. This can also be a factor with other nutrients.

Overeating after a Fast by Dr. Fred Bisci

Overeating As a Continuous Lifestyle
断食後の食べ過ぎ Fred Bisci医師より


It has been my observation over the years that overeating in the raw food community and the risk of this as a continuing lifestyle is not fully understood as far
as how detrimental it can be in the long run. Our chemistry is a system of action and reaction. Our bodies react to what we eat. Through the process of homeostatis our bodies make adjustments in our chemistry to maintain or try to maintain an optimum equilibrium. If a person is eating a toxic diet on a consistent basis, the body will try to maintain health through this process. The more toxic the diet and lifestyle the more desire to persist and to increase the wrong foods. If a person were to gradually introduce more and more detrimental types of food to their diet over a period of time, it is amazing how it would seem that they were doing ok. If they tried doing the same thing in a much shorter period of time they would seem to suffer some type of disaster. An analogy of this would be, if a person were to ingest a tablespoon of arsenic they would drop dead. If they took an eyedropper and started with one drop with their food, and each week increased it one drop there is a very good chance, over a long period of time they could take twice the amount that would have killed them. Of course, this is just an analogy to explain what is happening. This should never be tried. If that same person, after a long period of time, with gradual increase would stop, in a very short period of time they could suffer ill effects. If they gradually decreased in the same time period reducing the substance in the same amounts, they would be able to detoxify without suffering. The reason that I use this as an analogy is because this is happening every day in some cases with people that are striving for a healthier lifestyle.

Another analogy would be, if a person were to go on a fast of a reasonable length ( 10 days or more) there would be a noticeable decrease in their toxic load. If that person went back to the same diet that they were on before they fasted, and over ate if they were on a good diet, the impact could be more of a problem than before they fasted. The reason for this is because when a person goes on a fast they stop putting a burden on their chemistry and the body goes into a rapid cleansing process and readjustment. I have seen people over eat or eat foods in moments of weakness that they did not normally eat. This caused them to suffer at a later time because their body did not have enough time to accommodate. When you eat a raw diet consistently and have control over the amounts of food that you eat, this is when we begin to achieve the long-term benefits that the raw food lifestyle can give us.

I have personally come to the conclusion that as your body gets closer and closer to its optimal state of health and well being the impact of overeating can become more of a problem. My own experience and my nutritional practice over the years has convinced me that overeating, whether you are eating cooked food or raw food, is one of the most detrimental aspects of our dietary lifestyle. In a raw food lifestyle this is not really seen for what it is in the early years but starts to take effect later on.


I am firmly convinced that this is one of the reasons that raw fooders are not reaching their full potential as far as longevity and high quality of their life in advanced years. I remember years ago when I thought to myself that we were on the verge of a new era. I firmly believe that, that new era is here. I am happy to say that there are many younger people who are open minded and who are ready to make this a reality to open minded people. In our next letter I plan to elaborate on this issue and explore other areas.

For more information about the products or questions please visit www.TheRawWorld.com

For more information about the products or questions please visit www.TheRawWorld.com




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 前のテキスト: 2003.04/生菜食通信
 次のテキスト: 2003.02/生菜食通信

used with permission of Paul Nison




