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   栄養素2 ビタミンB12

原文ページ: http://www.ivu.org/faq/vitaminb12.html


Nutrition 2 - Vitamin B12

栄養2 - ビタミンB12




Simply Vegan: Quick Vegetarian Meals デバラ・ワサマン(Debra Wasserman)と栄養過程リード・マングル教授(Reed Mangels, Ph.D., R.D.)著、 19901991 Vegetarian Resource Group より出版 住所:P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203, (410) 366-VEGE. ISBN 0-931411-05-X

概要はビタミンB12の必要量は非常に少ないということです。それの植物質供給源は栄養強化穀物シリアルNutri-Grain cereal(成人推奨量は約40g)とレッドスターT-6635Red Star T-6635)のニュートリショナル・イースト(成人推奨量は小さじ1-2)です。妊婦と授乳婦、幼児、そして子供は食事でビタミンB12を確実にとることが非常に重要です。







 信頼できるビーガンのビタミンB12の食料源として分かっているのはごくわずかです。テンペ、味噌、そして海藻は大量のビタミンB12を含んでいるとよく表示されています。しかし、これらの生産物はビタミンB12の信頼できる供給源ではないようです。なぜならビタミンB12が存在する量は、食品がどう加工されるかに左右されるからです。また、ビタミンB12の一流の権威ビクターさん(Victor Herbert)は、ラベルに表示された量は信頼できないと述べています。なぜなら現在の食物中ビタミンB12を測定する方法では、活性と不活性なビタミンB12の両方を測るからです。不活性な形(またアナログ/類似形ともいわれる)のそれは、実際通常のビタミンB12の吸収と新陳代謝を妨げます。これらの食物は活性ビタミンB12よりも不活性なそれをより多く含有しているかもしれません。

成人のビタミンB12の推奨指数(安全率を含めて)は1日に2マイクログラムです。2マイクログラムのビタミンB12は、レッドスター T-6635+イーストパウダー(Red Star T-6635+yeast power)なら小さじ1、ミニフレーク・イーストなら小さじ11/2、ラージフレーク・イーストなら山盛り小さじ2です。もちろん、ビタミンB12は体内に蓄えられるので、時々多くニュートリショナル・イーストを使えばいいわけです。この本のレシピのビタミンB12数値はニュートリショナル・イーストのそれを含めて換算しています。


 ビタミンB12の別の供給源は強化豆乳です。アメリカでは滅多に入手できないのでラベルを確認してください。その他、ビタミンB12が強化された肉もどき(肉、家禽や魚に似せるために小麦グルテンや大豆から作られた食物)[Midland Harvest製品はB12を含有]、そしてビタミンB12サプリメントです。動物質生産物を含まないビタミンサプリメントがあります。



What about vitamin B12 on a vegan diet?

The data on B12 is still coming in, so it is impossible to say "It's no problem....", however, the latest information suggests that acquiring enough B12 is not as problematic as it was once thought. If you are concerned about inadequate B12, there are many foods which are fortified with B12, in addition to vitamin pills. Here is further information:  

From the book: Simply Vegan: Quick Vegetarian Meals, by Debra Wasserman and Nutrition Section by Reed Mangels, Ph.D., R.D. Published (1990/1991) by the Vegetarian Resource Group, P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203, (410) 366-VEGE. ISBN 0-931411-05-X  

Summary: The requirement for vitamin B12 is very low. Non-animal sources include Nutri-Grain cereal (1.4 ounces supplies the adult RDA) and Red Star T-6635+ nutritional yeast (1-2 teaspoons supplies the adult RDA). It is especially important for pregnant and lactating women, infants, and children to have reliable sources of vitamin B12 in their diets.

Vitamin B12 is needed for cell division and blood formation. Plant foods do not contain vitamin B12 except when they are contaminated by microorganisms. Thus, vegans need to look to other sources to get vitamin B12 in their diet. Although the minimum requirement for vitamin B12 is quite small, 1/1000 of a milligram (1 microgram) a day for adults, a vitamin B12 deficiency is a very serious problem leading ultimately to irreversible nerve damage. Prudent vegans will include sources of vitamin B12 in their diets. However, vitamin B12 deficiency is actually quite rare even among long-term vegans.

Bacteria in the human intestinal tract do make vitamin B12. However, the majority of these bacteria are found in the large intestine. Vitamin B12 does not appear to be absorbed from the large intestine.  

Normally, vitamin B12 is secreted into the small intestine along with bile and other secretions and is reabsorbed, but this does not add to the body's vitamin B12 stores. Since small amounts of vitamin B12 are not reabsorbed, it is possible that eventually vitamin B12 stores will be used up. However, we may be quite efficient at re-using vitamin B12 so that deficiency is rare.  

Some bacteria in the small intestine apparently produce vitamin B12 which can be absorbed. This is one possible explanation for why so few cases of vitamin B12 deficiency are reported. Perhaps our bacteria are making vitamin B12 for us.  

At this time, research is continuing on vitamin B12 requirements. Some researchers have even hypothesized that vegans are more efficient than the general public in absorbing vitamin B12. Certainly for other nutrients, such as iron, absorption is highest on low dietary intakes. However, these are only speculations. We need to look for reliable dietary sources for vitamin B12 until we can determine whether or not other sources can supply adequate vitamin B12.  

Although some vegans may get vitamin B12 from inadequate hand washing, this is not a reliable vitamin B12 source. Vegans who previously ate animal-based foods may have vitamin B12 stores that will not be depleted for 20 to 30 years or more. However, long-term vegans, infants, children, and pregnant and lactating women (due to increased needs) should be especially careful to get enough vitamin B12.  

Few reliable vegan food sources for vitamin B12 are known. Tempeh, miso, and seaweed often are labeled as having large amounts of vitamin B12. However, these products are not reliable sources of the vitamin because the amount of vitamin B12 present depends on the type of processing the food undergoes. Also, Victor Herbert, a leading authority on vitamin B12 states that the amount on the label cannot be trusted because the current method for measuring vitamin B12 in foods measures both active and inactive forms of vitamin B12. The inactive form (also called analogues) actually interferes with normal vitamin B12 absorption and metabolism. These foods may contain more inactive than active vitamin B12.  

The RDA (which includes a safety factor) for adults for vitamin B12 is 2 micrograms daily. Two micrograms of vitamin B12 are provided by 1 teaspoon of Red Star T-6635+ yeast powder or 1-1/2 teaspoons of mini-flake yeast or 2 rounded teaspoons of large-flake yeast. Of course, since vitamin B12 is stored, you could use larger amounts of nutritional yeast less often. A number of the recipes in this book contain nutritional yeast.  

Another alternative source of vitamin B12 is fortified cereal. Nutri-Grain cereal does contain vitamin B12 at this time and 1.4 ounces of Nutri-Grain, or a little less than 1 cup, will provide 2 micrograms of vitamin B12. We recommend checking the label of your favorite cereal since manufacturers have been known to stop including vitamin B12. New labeling laws do not require labels to include the actual amount of vitamin B12 in a food. However, added vitamin B12 will be listed under ingredients and you can write to the company inquiring about the amount of vitamin B12 in a serving.  

Other sources of vitamin B12 are fortified soy milk (check the label as this is rarely available in the US), vitamin B12 fortified meat analogues (food made from wheat gluten or soybeans to resemble meat, poultry or fish) [Midland Harvest products contain B12.], and vitamin B12 supplements. There are vitamin supplements which do not contain animal products.


クョスコニョ    [1] 
 前のテキスト: 最初の掲示物です。
 次のテキスト: 最後の掲示物です。


このサイトは主にBreatharian / Fruitarian / Raw vegan に関する海外資料を掲載・翻訳。









*Raw Vegan…ロービーガン、ローフーダー、生菜食主義者。ストリクトなベジタリアン(ビーガン)の一種。

