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  But Kobayashi was not yet finished with his lecture. As he looked unconcernedly at Tsuda he suddenly reverted to an unexpected topic. It was nothing other than the matter that had come up for a moment between them at the very beginning of their get-together but which had quickly been dispelled by the force of what followed.

  ‘I think you already understand what I mean. And yet you still don’t seem to want to say that of course I’m right. That ‘s a contradiction, isn’t it? But I know the reason. First of all, it’s the fact that the person who’s annoying the all-wise Tsuda by telling him these things is someone like me who hasn’t any social position, or rank, or money, or even a steady job. If this were coming from Mrs Yoshikawa or somebody like that, then even if what she were saying were a lot less worthwhile than this, I’ve no doubt, you’d sit right up straight and listen very carefully. No, this isn’t just my bias or anything like that. It’s an unchallengeable fact. But you’ll have to think about it, you know. I mean about the fact that since it’s me I’m able to say these things. And you’d better also remember that even Fujii or his wife, when it comes to that, can’t say anything. And why is that? Well, it’s very simple. It’s because, no matter how poor Fujii is, he hasn’t had the experience I’ve had. To say nothing of that crowd that lives much more comfortably than Fujii.’

  Tsuda did not know very well who was meant by ‘that crowd’. He merely thought that Kobayashi probably meant such people as Mrs Yoshikawa and Okamoto. Actually Kobayashi raced on without giving him a chance to ask a question about it.

  ‘Now in the second place --- your present circumstances make you feel you don’t have to pay attention to the advice I’m now giving you, or maybe you consider it a warning, or simply providing you with knowledge, or you can call it anything you wish, but you still won’t pay any attention to it. You understand it with your mind but your heart won’t accept it. But this is only you right now. Of course if you reject this simply by saying that since you and I are separated by so much there’s nothing that can be done about it, then the matter ends there, but actually what I want to do is make you pay attention to a certain factor. Are you still with me? The distance separating people’s circumstances and social positions is not really that great. If one speaks of fundamentals, then ten people, though they’re ten different people, repeat approximately the same experience in different forms. Let me state the matter more clearly. I am myself, and I look at things with my keenest eye; you’re you, and you look at things with an eye that is most appropriate to you. Well, I suppose it’s that degree of difference, isn’t it? That ‘s why, don’t you see? When those who are prosperous have a setback, or are in difficulty, or fail, their point of view immediately changes. But no matter how it changes, they can’t change their ingrained habits immediately, can they? In short, I’m only saying that if you should ever be in need you’ll certainly have to remember this advice of mine.’

  ‘Well then, I’ll try not to forget it.’

  ‘Yes, try not to. Something will surely bring it to mind.’

  ‘All right, I’ve got your point.’

  ‘But the funny thing is that no matter how much you get my point it won’t do you any good.’

  As Kobayashi said this he suddenly began to laugh. Tsuda did not understand what he meant. But Kobayashi explained before he could ask him.

  ‘When the time comes you may possibly become aware of what I’m saying. I’ll allow that. But if so, will you be able to change suddenly as you let loose a yelp of pain? Can you change suddenly and become me?’

  ‘Naturally I have no way of knowing.’

  ‘That’s not it at all. You know perfectly well. It’s absolutely certain you can’t become me. May I take the liberty of saying that to comes as far as I have requires a great deal of discipline.No matter how much of a fool I may be, I’ve had to pay in blood to become what I am today.’

  Tsuda was annoyed by Kobayashi’s pride. What, after all, had the wretch achieved by so much effort? Since Tsuda felt this way, he purposely showed his contempt as he asked him:

  ‘Why in the world are you telling me these things? Even if I should remember what you’re saying it wouldn’t do me any good in an emergency, would it?’

  ‘No, it probably wouldn’t. But it’s still better than not having listened at all, isn’t it?’

  ‘No, it almost seems better not to have listened.’

  Kobayashi, leaning back happily in his chair, began to laugh again.  lean

  ‘That’s just it. That’s just what I was aiming at.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘I don’t mean anything. I’m just stating the facts. But I’ll explain them to you. When you shortly find yourself in real trouble and you can’t do anything about it, you’ll remember what I’ve said. You’ll remember but you won’t be able to act on it at all. And then you’ll feel that it would have been better not to have listened to me.’

  Tsuda looked displeased.

  ‘Stop being such a fool! So what if that does happen?’

  ‘Oh, nothing particular. It’s just that I’d finally have my revenge for your contempt of me.’

  Tsuda changed his tone.

  ‘Do you have that much malice towards me?’

  ‘Why in the world do you call it malice? Say rather that I’m filled with goodwill towards you. But it is a fact that you’re forever despising me. And even though I’ve seen behind your attitude and pointed out to you the contemptible areas in yourself as well, you’ve remained loftily unconcerned, haven’t you? In other words, just talking to you does no good. And so I’m merely saying that since you’ll only learn form actual experience I’m forced to fight it out at that point.’

  ‘Is that it? Now I understand. Is that all you want to say?’

  ‘No, why should it be? Now we’re finally getting to the most important part.’

  Tsuda watched with some surprise as Kobayashi, at a stroke, brought his glass to his lips and drained it of its beer.



クョスコニョ    [1] 
 前のテキスト: 百五十七
 次のテキスト: 百五十九


「明暗」 夏目漱石

[日本の文学14  夏目漱石(三)/中央公論社]


Light and Darkness

an unfinished novel by Sōeske Natsume







 日本文学 夏目漱石 
