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International Vegetarian union




世界ベジタリアン連合 「よくある質問と答え」ページを掲載・翻訳







原文ページ: http://www.ivu.org/faq/definitions.html











「ベジタリアン」という言葉は1847年に造り出されました。その年の930日、英国ケント州ノースウッド・ビラにて、ブラザトン氏(Joseph Brotherton)たちによって正式に初めて使われました。イギリスのベジタリアン協会の会議での出来事です。






もし命を救う機会があったらどうしますか。あるいは多数の命を救うチャンスがあったらどうしますか。日常生活から動物製品を切り詰めることは、だれでも行えるとても簡単なことで、影響力は大きいです。人間という生き物はとても偉大な恵みのお陰で、おそらくとても進化したでしょう。動物を救うために同情心という天賦の才を使いませんか −リセより























エッセンシャルズ・オブ・ヒューマン・ニュートリション(Essentials of Human Nutrition)を書いたドナさん(Donna Secker)とサタレーさん(Stanley Zlotkin)によると、「マクロビオティック食事法は玄米、豆類と野菜を中心に発酵食品、ナッツ、種子と果物を少々加えた食物群で構成されています。動物質食品は使用しません」(最後の句に関しては確かでありません‐マクロビオティック食事法において魚は許されているようです)。












これは歴史的記録になる問題です。世界の大部分の土壌侵食、地下水枯渇と森林伐採は、現在人間の基礎的な食糧システムを脅かすまさに要因であり、とりわけ畜産の破壊的な食糧生産方式の結果であります」。(「A Vegetarian Sourcebook」、Keith Akers81ページ、1989)。








この言葉は1940年代ドナルド・ワトソン氏(Donald Watson)によって造られました。「ビーガン」と発音します。これが今日イギリスで最も一般的な発音です。この発音を「間違っている」という人はいと思います。またこれは(差別廃止の立場で)政治的に正しい発音です。






「ベジタリアン」と「フルータリアン」はすでに牛と家禽の「産物」の使用を許可している。それゆえ、我々は新しい適切な言葉を作らねばならない・・・。私は「The Vegan News」というタイトルを使った。これを採用するのはどうだろうか。じきに「ビーガン食事法」として知られるようになるだろう。我々は「ビーガン」の確立を熱望している。



世界人口の何パーセントがベジタリアンかという質問には答えかねます。その理由として、誰も調査しない、望ましい調査にはかなりの費用がかかるためです。しかしStatistics / How Many Vegetarians を参照してください。 

IVUメンバー協会、団体サポーターやパトロンの詳細に関してはMembers of IVU を参照ください。あいにく個人サポーターの詳細は用意していません。












 Vegetarian: For the purpose of membership of IVU, vegetarianism includes veganism and is defined as the practice of not eating meat, poultry or fish or their by-products, with or without the use of dairy products or eggs.

Often broken down further into OVO-LACTO, and LACTO. Vegetarians may or may not try and minimize their non food use of animals like vegans.


Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian: same as VEGAN, but also eats eggs and milk products. This is the most 'popular' form of Vegetarianism.

Lacto Vegetarian: Same as VEGAN, but also eats milk products.

Veggie -- Shortened nick-name for a VEGETARIAN; often includes VEGANs.

Strict vegetarian: originally meant vegan, now can mean vegan or vegetarian.


The term 'Vegetarian' was coined in 1847. It was first formally used on September 30th of that year by Joseph Brotherton and others, at Northwood Villa in Kent, England. The occasion being the innaugural meeting of the Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom.

The word was derived from the Latin 'vegetus', meaning whole, sound, fresh, lively; (it should not be confused with 'vegetable-arian' - a mythical human whom some imagine subsisting entirely on vegetables but no nuts, fruits, grains etc!)

 Prior to 1847, non-meat eaters were generally known as 'Pythagoreans' or adherents of the 'Pythagorean System', after the ancient Greek 'vegetarian' Pythagoras.

 The original definition of 'vegetarian' was "with or without eggs or dairy products" and that definition is still used by the Vegetarian Society today. However, most vegetarians in India exclude eggs from their diet as did those in the classical Mediterranean lands, such as Pythagoras.


Why become a vegeterian?

If you have the chance to save one life - or to save thousands of lives - wouldn't you? Cutting animal products out of your life is a fairly simple thing you can do, with far reaching effects. The human animals are supposedly so evolved, with so many great gifts... shouldn't we use our gift of compassion to save other animals? - Lise

To save yourself from the guilt of knowing that some animal died for you. Isn't that enough?? But for those skeptics, it's also a healthy habit. - lauren  

To teach our children the sanctity of life and the true value of every living being, and to promote peace in them. - Michelle

send more answers !

Definitions of some other confusing terms


Semi-Vegetarian: Eats less meat than average person. See also PSEUDO-VEGETARIAN.  

Pseudo-Vegetarian: Claims to be vegetarian, but isn't. Often used by VEGETARIANS to describe SEMI-VEGETARIANs, and PESCETARIANs.  

Pescetarian: Similar to VEGETARIAN, but also consumes fish. (often is a person avoiding factory-farming techniques...) See also PSEUDO-VEGETARIAN.  

Fruitarian: Same as VEGAN, but only eats foods that don't kill the plant (apples can be picked without killing plant, carrots cannot).  

Vegetable Consumer: Means anyone who consumes vegetables. Not necessarily a VEGETARIAN.  

Herbivore: Mainly eats grass or plants. Not necessarily a VEGETARIAN.

Plant-Eater: Mainly eats plants. Not necessarily a VEGETARIAN.

Nonmeat-Eater: Does not eat meat. Most definitions do not consider fish, fowl or seafood to be meat. Animal fats and oils, bonemeal and skin are not considered meat.  

Kosher: Made according to a complex set of Jewish dietary laws. Does not imply VEGAN in any case. Does not imply OVO-LACTO VEGETARIAN in any case. Even KOSHER products containing milk products may contain some types of animals which are not considered 'meat'.

Pareve/Parve: One category in KOSHER dietary laws. Made without meat or milk products or their derivatives. Eggs and true fish are pareve, shellfish are not.

Nondairy: Does not have enough percentage of milkfat to be called dairy. May actually contain milk or milk derivatives.

Nonmeat: Made without meat. May include eggs, milk, cheese. Sometimes even included animal fats, seafood, fish, fowl.


What is Macrobiotic?  

from a member of ivu-sci:

According to Donna Secker and Stanley Zlotkin writing in Essentials of Human Nutrition, "macrobiotic diets consist of unpolished rice, pulses and vegetables with small additions of fermented foods, nuts, seeds and fruit; animal products are not consumed" (not sure about the last phrase - I thought that fish was allowed in the macrobiotic diet).

The authors warn that "in infants consuming a macrobiotic diet, a clear relationship has been demonstrated between diet, nutrient intake and physical and biochemical evidence of deficiency for several nutrients including iron, vitamins B12, D, and riboflavin. Slower growth rates and higher incidence of nutritional diseases such as rickets, kwashiorkor and anaemia have been reported."


 Vegan: excludes animal flesh (meat, poultry, fish and seafood), animal products (eggs and dairy), and usually excludes honey and the wearing and use of animal products (leather, silk, wool, lanolin, gelatin...).

The major vegan societies all disallow honey, but some "vegans" still use it. Some "vegans" also refuse to eat yeast products.

Dietary Vegan: follows a vegan diet, but doesn't necessarily try and exclude non-food uses of animals.


Why Vegan?

 VEGANISM may be defined as a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practical, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.

In dietary terms it refers to the practice of dispensing with *all* animal produce - including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, animal milks, honey, and their derivatives.

Abhorrence of the cruel practices inherent in dairy, livestock and poultry farming is probably the single most common reason for the adoption of veganism, but many people are drawn to it for health, ecological, spiritual and other reasons.  

"Land, energy and water resources for livestock agriculture range anywhere from 10 to 1000 times greater than those necessary to produce an equivalent amount of plant foods. And livestock agriculture does not merely *use* these resources, it *depletes* them.

This is a matter of historical record. Most of the world's soil, erosion, groundwater depletion, and deforestation -- factors now threatening the very basis of our food system -- are the result of this particularly destructive form of food production" (Keith Akers, p. 81, "A Vegetarian Sourcebook", 1989).


Words commonly used:

Vegan: excludes animal flesh (meat, poultry, fish and seafood), animal products (eggs and dairy), and usually excludes honey and the wearing and use of animal products (leather, silk, wool, lanolin, gelatin...). The major vegan societies all disallow honey, but some "vegans" still use it.

Strict vegetarian: originally meant vegan, now can mean vegan or vegetarian. Pure vegetarian: as per strict vegetarian.


How is "vegan" Pronounced?

The word was invented by Donald Watson in the 1940's. It is pronounced "vee-gun". This is the most common pronunciation in the UK today. No one can say this pronunciation in "wrong", so this is also the politically correct pronunciation.  

In the US, common pronunciations are "vee-jan" and "vay-gn" in addition to "vee-gn", though the American Vegan Society says the correct pronunciation is as per the UK.

The UK, and US and other places have other pronunciations. This is sometimes a touchy subject, so be prepared to change your pronunciation....


A little history

Here are some of Donald's own words from the early years (1945):

'Vegetarian' and 'Fruitarian' are already associated with societies that allow the 'fruits' of cows and fowls, therefore.. we must make a new and appropriate word... I have used the title 'The Vegan News'. Should we adopt this, our diet will soon become known as the vegan diet and we should aspire to the rank of vegans.


How many Vegetarians are there worldwide - or, What %tage of the world's population is vegetarian?

An impossible question, partly because no-one agrees about what they are counting, and because good surveys cost money... but see: Statistics / How Many Vegetarians from the Articles Index for some surveys that have been done.

For details of IVU Member Societies, Organisational Supporters and Patrons, see Members of IVU. We do not provide details of individual supporters.


Are there any regulations ruling the mention of 'suitable for vegetarian/vegans on food labels?  

from a reader in the UK:

Unfortunately not, at least in the UK. I understand that The Vegetarian Society are currently trying to establish a legal definition of the word "vegetarian". For example, foods labelled as "suitable for vegetarians" may be made using battery eggs, whereas The Vegetarian Society will only award their seedling symbol to foods made using free-range eggs.


more questions - answers wanted!


Is there a vegan certification for food products, dietary supplements?  

note: these will be different for each country....


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