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   栄養素4 概略

Nutrition 4 - General

栄養素4 概略







ivu-sci のメンバーより:









ivu-sci メンバーより:

この種の情報は「McCance&Widdowson’s The Composition of Foods(英国の「Royal Society of Chemistry出版」)のような食品成分表で手に入ります。地元の図書館でコピーできるでしょう。インターネットではイリノイ州大学Nutrition Analysis Tool (NAT) が明細な食物/食事法の栄養情報を提供しています。







参考文献:[1] Essential of human nutrition. Jim Mann & Stewart Truswell (eds). Oxford University Press, 1998.

[2] Symptomless diverticular disease and intake of dietary fibre. Gear JSS et al. Lancet 1979, 511-514.




ivu-sci のメンバーより

ベジタリアン・ビーガン食はとても安全で、より有益でしょう。イギリス糖尿病協会(British Diabetic Association)によると、糖尿病患者向けに推奨される食事法は、複合糖質と食物繊維を多く摂取し、脂肪(特に飽和脂肪)の摂取を少なくするものです。ベジタリアン食は、非ベジタリアン食よりもこの推奨される食事にみあう傾向があります。

ベジタリアン食事法の基本説明のなかで、アメリカ栄養士会(The American Dietetic Association)は「科学的なデータによると、ベジタリアン食は、肥満、冠動脈性心疾患、高血圧、真性糖尿病、そしてガン数種を含む様々な慢性的変性疾患のリスクを減らす明確な関係がある」と述べています。

また、2型糖尿病は非ベジタリアンよりもベジタリアンの方がより死を引き起こしにくいと伝えています。おそらく、高い複合糖質摂取と低いBMI(体格指数)のためでしょう。このアメリカ栄養士会(American Dietetic Association)の基本説明はウェブサイト上で見ることができます。 www.eatright.org/adap1197.html 別のivu-sci メンバーより。




 ivu-sci のメンバーより
















 食事療法士、登録栄養士ベサント・メリナ(Vesanto Melina, MS, RD:より


ロバート・ムレイ医師(Robert Murray)の発表によると、クレアチンは親水性で体内に水分を保持するので、筋肉が大きくなるは水のせいであるが、それには一般的にクレアチン必要であるという説明です。クレアチン無しでは水の効果を得られないでしょう。



この水分の効果は実際に筋肉を増加させません。おいしく簡単な豆腐料理をあまり知らないビーガンスポーツマンを時折見かけます。(参考:料理本「Becoming Vegetarian」や「Cooking Vegetarian」)レンズ豆や別の豆類のような高たんぱく質食品を食事に加える簡単な方法を知らないのかもしれません。また十分なカロリーを得るビーガン食を知らないかもしれません。(誰かに料理をすることがすくなかったり、調理設備が限られていたり、レストランで食べることが多いかもしれません)。

ベサント氏の講演ツアーの更なる情報と詳細はこちらをご覧下さい: : www.nutrispeak.com


オーストラリア人、ジョン・トーメィさん(John Toomey)より








 ベジタリアンはとても健康です。ビーガン食はビタミンB12を摂り損なっているかも知れませんが、とある食品やサプリメントで補うことができます。こちらをご覧下さい Nutrition - Vitamin B12











 こちらをご覧下さい : Increase Food Intake (VSUK




Are there any documented instances where flesh of some kind is necessary? (Someone I know has for many years not touched meat. She recently became very ill (I don't know the details). Concerned family took her to a nutritionist doctor who prescribed eating fish. She has recovered dramatically.)


from a member of ivu-sci:
It is practically impossible to answer questions such as this without full details of the illness and whether any form of medication (other than the advice to eat fish) was used. One cannot even say for certain whether the addition of fish to the diet was actually responsible for the recovery as there are cases of spontaneous remission.


Since all of the nutrients in meat can be obtained from other sources I cannot see any situation in which it is strictly necessary to eat meat. The same probably goes for fish, although like meat, fish is a concentrated source of several nutrients which are less easy to obtain on a veg*n diet. A good example are the longer chain omega-3 fatty acids (EPA & DHA) of which fish and seafoods are the main source. Vegans must convert alpha-linolenic acid (obtained from flax, canola (rapeseed) and soya oils) into these essential fatty acids, and it may be that the person in question was not consuming these foods.


- another member of ivu-sci suggests that the problem described above might have been due to a lack of Vitamin b12


Where is a detailed table showing the percentage of various nutrients in all kinds of foods?

from a member of ivu-sci:
Information of this sort can be obtained from food composition tables such as McCance & Widdowson's The Composition of Foods (published in the UK by the Royal Society of Chemistry). Your local library may have a copy. On the internet, the University of Illinois' Nutrition Analysis Tool (NAT) will give you nutrient information on specified foods/diets.


Is it possible to continue a vegetarian diet if you have 'diverticulosis' or 'irritable colon'?

from a member of ivu-sci:
"Diets high in insoluble fibre (especially coarse wheat bran) speed up transit time through the gut, increase stool weight and relieve constipation. They are also associated with a reduced risk of diverticular disease and are of benefit in relieving at least some of the symptoms in those with established diverticulitis [1]."
Therefore, a high-fibre vegetarian diet would be a good diet to follow for diverticulitis sufferers. Indeed, there is some evidence that vegetarians may have a lower incidence of diverticular disease [2]. "However, it is preferable for fibre intakes to be increased through the consumption of a variety of cereals and vegetables rather than relying on extensive use of bran supplements [1]."


References: [1] Essentials of human nutrition. Jim Mann & A Stewart Truswell (eds). Oxford University Press, 1998.
[2] Symptomless diverticular disease and intake of dietary fibre. Gear JSS et al. Lancet 1979, 511-514.


Is it safe for a diabetic to become vegetarian/vegan?

a member of ivu-sci
Not only is it perfectly safe, it may even prove beneficial. According to the British Diabetic Association, dietary recommendations for diabetics encourage a high intake of complex carbohydrates and dietary fibre and a low intake of fat, particularly saturated fat. Vegetarian diets tend to match these recommendations more closely than non-vegetarian diets.
In their position paper on vegetarian diets, The American Dietetic Association state that "scientific data suggest positive relationships between a vegetarian diet and reduced risk for several chronic degenerative diseases and conditions, including obesity, coronary artery disease, hypertension, DIABETES MELLITUS, and some types of cancer" (my emphasis).
They also note that "type 2 diabetes mellitus is much less likely to be a cause of death in vegetarians than nonvegetarians, perhaps because of their higher intake of complex carbohydrates and lower body mass index" (body mass index is a measure of obesity). The text of the ADA position paper can be found on the web at www.eatright.org/adap1197.html from a another member of ivu-sci
In my opinion, there are no special dietary requirements for diabetics that can not be met with a PROPER veg*an diet. Your diet should include plenty of B-vitamin rich foods including whole grain breads and green leafy vegetables. Avoid refined carbohydrates such as spaghetti, white bread, etc. Regardless of your type of diabetes, carefully monitor your blood sugar levels as they may vary widely as you make the switch.


Is there a non animal form of glucose lowering agents for diabetics?

from a member of ivu-sci
Do you mean glucose-lowering meds like Glucophage? Best bet is to check the PDR or other drug resource likely available online.
(further answers wanted)


from a reader in India:
There is a vegetable called bittergourd (Karela in Hindi) which is quite popular in India to lower or prevent diabetes. Also there is a spice called Methi (in Hindi don't know the English equivalent) which is to be soaked overnight and consumed on empty stomach the next morning with a glass of buttermilk. This too helps in lowering diabetes


Does a vegetarian diet meet the full needs of the human body?

from a reader in the USA:
Yes. We weren't always meat eaters. There are entire populations today that are vegetarians - and they have fewer health problems that meat eating populations do.


What foods does vegan nutrition include and exclude?

from a reader in the USA:
A vegan diet exludes all animal products. No flesh, dairy, eggs, or their derivatives.


Further information




How can I 'bulk up' and develop muscles on a vegetarian/vegan diet, instead of eating meat and taking creatine?

from Vesanto Melina, MS, RD:
Regarding creatine question for athletes: The following information came from a sports nutrition presentation at American Dietetics Association convention, October 1998, which I attended. Then I have added practical information related to my books.
A presentation by PhD Dr. Robert Murray explained that creatine is hydrophilic and retains water in the body, thus the bulking up effect is due to water, and generally occurs with creatine. You may not get that water effect without creatine.
Creatine has not been shown to improve athletic performance; sports specialist Dr. Murray said that reliable research had not shown creatine to be effective in improving athletic performance. Research reports that showed anything like this were done in a misleading way.
Furthermore, the effects of creatine over the long term are not known. Long term use could, for example, suppress one's ability to make creatine or have damaging side effects.
This water effect is not actual increase in muscle. I find that sometimes vegan athletes aren't familiar with tasty and easy ways to prepare tofu (such as the tofu fingers in our "Becoming Vegetarian" and "Cooking Vegetarian" books) and don't know easy ways to include high protein foods such as lentils and other legumes in the diet. They also may not know vegan ways to get enough calories. (Or to accommodate such challenges as cooking for one, having limited cooking facilities, eating at restaurants a lot.)
For further information, and details of Vesanto's speaking tours see: www.nutrispeak.com


from John Toomey, Australia:
This is one of my favorite topics. Having worked for several years in Professional Football in Australia and having close links with many Sports Science professionals in the NFL, I can assure you that Creatine is a waste of time.
Vesanto hit the nail on the head. It causes a major flow of water into the muscle cell. You can pick footballers who start using it without authorisation because they get a puffy appearance. Long term use may well be harmful.
Having been a Vegan for 20 years, I have introduced many professional footballers to a vegan diet style, with many wonderful results. When it comes down to it, I have never believed in hyper protein consumption. I have never seen it do anyone a lot of good. Very lean athletes have really only one path to take to gain weight. That is, once you are getting enough protein (which requires no special effort) and enough carbohydrate (about 8 grams per kilogram of body weight) and try to make that unrefined carbohydrate, the aim should be calories, calories, calories after that.
The best, most healthful source of additional calories are monounstaurates. So, I suggest adding at least one Avocado and a half cup of Olive Oil to your daily diet. I used this with many footballers and just watched them grow, without getting fat.
Remember, weight gain requires calories. If you are doing the resistance training, you will stimulate muscle growth. All you have to do is provide the calories, healthfully. Good luck.


Do any health problems occur from being a vegetarian, i.e deficiencies of certain nutrients?

None at all! A vegan diet may be missing vitamin B12, but this is added to some foods or can be taken as a supplement. See Nutrition - Vitamin B12


How can a vegan diet help control high cholesterol?

from a reader in the USA:
A vegan diet is free of all animal products, hence free of cholesterol. By not ingesting any cholesterol, you can help control your blood levels of it. Our bodies make all the cholesterol we need.


What health benefits are there to being a Vegetarian compared to being a Carnivore?

from a reader in the USA:
Lower cholelsterol; blood pressure; risks of cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart disease...need I go on?


Is it possible to be vegetarian without losing weight, possibly even gain weight?

see: Increase Food Intake (VSUK)


クョスコニョ    [1] 
 前のテキスト: 栄養素3 その他のビタミンとミネラル
 次のテキスト: 一般食品

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