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International Vegetarian union






33rd World Vegetarian Congress
Chiang Mai, Thailand, January 4 - 10, 1999




Fasting according to the principles of the Natural Hygiene system







Talk given by Arne Wingqvist (Sweden) on Jan 6, 1999. Recorded and reproduced by David Román

講話は199916日、スゥエーデンのArne Wingqvistのもの。David Romanによって記録複製された。



Introduction: I'm honoured to introducing the speaker for this session to all of you. The speaker this morning has been a vegetarian for many many years, and has been a fruitarian for the past 12 to 15 years. During his period of being a frutarian he doesn't take any cooked food, he just eats fruits. Four years ago he came here for a walkathon in Thailand, he is about 80 years old now, he is active and strong as ever. So this morning he will speak to you about being a healthy fruitarian. I'd like to introduce you to Arne Winqvist.

はじめに:私はこの会議のために講話者をあなたたち皆に紹介するのを引き受けた。今朝の講話者は長年ベジタリアン(菜食)で、過去12-15年間フルータリアン(果実食)だった。フルータリアンである期間中、彼は料理された食物を一切摂らず、果物だけ摂った。彼は4年前に長距離競歩のためにタイを訪れた。彼は現在80歳。相変わらず活動的で体力がある。それゆえ今朝、彼は健康なフルータリアンであることについて話すでしょう。あなたにArne Winqvistを紹介したい。


Arne Wingqvist: Thank you friends. I welcome you all to this little lecture on fasting. The title is "Fasting according to the principles of the Natural Hygiene system" on the late Dr. Herbert M. Shelton, San Antonio, Texas, USA. I will give you a little introduction of Dr. Shelton, from the book "FIT FOR LIFE", many of you have read it, and there it says: "One of the most world respected and noticeable natural hygienists of our time is Dr. Herbert M. Shelton, now retired, who from 1928 till 1981 led a "health school", including a clinic, laboratories and teaching programs, in San Antonio, Texas. Dr. Shelton is generally considered to be the greatest authority on natural hygiene philosophy, principles and practice. He produced a wealth of literature with new findings, and had the more to the science and art of natural hygiene than any other person. In Dr. Shelton's own words: "The laws of nature, the truths of the universe, the principles of science, are just as certain, as fix and immutable, in relation to health as they are in relation to all things else. Natural Hygiene is a branch of biology which investigate and apply the conditions upon which life and health depend, and the means by which health is sustained in all its virtue and purity, and restored when it has been lost o impaired".

Arne Wingqvist:紹介ありがとうございます。断食に関する短い講義へようこそ。タイトルはテキサス州サンアントニオのハーバードM.シェルトン医師「ナチュラル・ハイジーンの原則に準じた断食」に基づく。大勢の方すでに読んだだろう「FIT FOR LIFE」という本から、少しばかりシェルトン医師の紹介をしたい。それにはこう書いてある:「我々の時代で最も世界で尊敬され注目に値する自然衛生学者(ナチュラル・ハイジーン)はハーバードM.シェルトン医師。現在は退職している。1928年から1981年までクリニック、研究室と教育プログラムを含むテキサス州サンアントニオにある「ヘルス・スクール」を先導した。一般的にシェルトン医師は自然衛生(ナチュラル・ハイジーン)の哲学、原則と実践において最も偉大な権威者と尊敬されている。彼は新たな診察の所見に於いて多くの調査報告をもたらした。そして自然衛生(ナチュラル・ハイジーン)において、どの人よりも多くの技、職人的技術を持っていた。シェルトン医師自身の言葉では:「自然の法則、宇宙の真実、科学の原則、これらは一定不変なので、他の万物に関わるのと同じように健康にも関係する。ナチュラル・ハイジーンは生命と健康法によって左右される心身状態を調査し応用する。そして健康がその力と純正さにおいて維持される手段で、健康を害することがなくなった時に回復する生物学の一分野」。


I had the pleasure - I would say the fortune - to be a student of Dr. Shelton Health School in 1951 and 1952. And I consider those as one of the most valuable in all my life.



Fasting... in english you have breakfast , that is you break the fast. You eat your last meal at night and then you sleep all night and in the morning you take breakfast: you break the fast you've had during the night. It's the same wording in French - jeûne et déjeuner - and in Italian, etc. Fasting means to abstain from food, except water. Water is also food, but you abstain from everything else, you abstain from teas, from fruit juice. In fruit diets (on peaches, oranges and things like that) there's a big difference even if you're taking only fruits. When I speak about fasting that is only taking water, no teas, no fruits, nothing else. And there's a big difference. You can get resettled by going on a two-week "cure" as they say eating grapes or oranges or whatever. It's not a fast and it does not give the same results, under the same principles, than fasting taking only water.

断食・・・英語でブレックファースト(朝食)を摂るというのは、断食を断つということ。昨晩最後の食事を摂り、それから一晩中眠り、朝ブレックファーストを摂る:夜中行っていた断食を断つ。フランスでも同じ言葉遣い。(jeûne et déjeuner)そしてイタリアなどでも同じ。断食は水を除く食物を断つことを意味する。水はまた同様に食物だが、他の全てを慎む。紅茶、果物ジュースを慎む。フルーツ食(桃、オレンジやこのようなもの)において、フルーツだけ摂取する場合非常に大きな違いがある。私が断食について話す時、それは水のみのことで、紅茶、果物やその他全ては含まれない。そしてそこには大きな違いがある。言うならば、ブドウやオレンジや同類を食べる2週間の「回復」を続けることで再び健康状態を安定させることができる。これは断食ではない。同じ原則下において、水のみの断食とは同じ結果をもたらさない。


I myself joined the Vegetarian Society in 1931 - all from the start I joined the sports team for young boys and girls in Sweden. The leaders were vegetarians and they spoke about it, and they had newspapers which talked about vegetarians, I took them home to my mother and said "I want to be a vegetarian". And she said: "Well, fine, let me know what to give you". Because I never liked meat or fish at all, and I remember when I was told to have milk, I asked my mother to put in 50% water in the milk. So becoming vegetarian for me was not difficult, and I must stress the importance of fresh raw food. All from the start I've been eating minimum 50% of raw fresh vegetables or fruits.




Arne Wingqvist (left) with spanish webmaster David Roma'n and wife Estrella


Vegetarianism in Europe includes mostly who take milk products, some take eggs, they are call ovo-vegetarians and ovo-lacto-vegetarians, there are people who call themselves "fish-vegetarians" - I don't know what that means - and I'm upon to hear the word "meat-vegetarians"... That means that they are vegetarians but eat some meat. The word vegetarian comes from the latin "vegetus" that is to grow and be strong, so actually to start it doesn't have much with vegetables to do.



It is very important to eat the salads - if you're a vegetarian or a meat eater - when you start a meal you should have a fresh raw salad first. You should not have it in the middle of the meal, to have potatoes or rice first but you should take the fresh raw vegetables first. Because when you take the fresh raw vegetables an enzyme is being produced in the saliva, and then the enzyme acts in the digestive process all through the body. If you start with a potato or a sandwich or whatever, and after that take fresh salad, this enzyme will not be produced in the saliva, and it has been shown clinically (by tests of the blood, etc).



When you go on a fast, you don't have to do any preparation if you are vegetarian. You just stop eating, you don't have to do any preparation. But I would advice you if you're not used to fasting to consult someone who knows about fasting and has been fasting for himself. But if you can't find anyone like this try a fast for one-two-three days and then the next time you can take a week or two or a month or two. What is important is that you don't have any worries. You shouldn't worry about anything and the meaning of the fast is to give the body a complete rest, body and soul. You should be comfortable, lying in bed, and should have access to fresh air and fresh water. When you water fast, you'll have thirst and then you'll drink as much water as is necessary to quench the thirst. You don't have to drink roughly 2-3-4 litres a day, it's totally wrong. You'll drink if you need a quarter or a half of a glass to quench your thirst, if you need more you take that. When you're exhausted, the next time you'll take because you need it. And this is because an excess of water irritates the system, and it doesn't help you. You lie in bed, and you take it easy. You can read a book or maybe a paper but it's wrong indeed to do a lot of exercise during the fast. This is if you are fasting because you want to obtain a better health. If you are very healthy then maybe you can walk around, but not if you're sick and want to regain full health. The first days when you skip the meals, when meal time comes, you will feel hungry. That's nothing to worry about. That is no hunger. That is only a nervous feeling that will disappear after a few days. Usually after the third day you don't feel anything, you're in a complete rest.



When you are fasting, if you sleep at daytime the first days, maybe you'll think you cannot sleep at night. But don't worry about that, when night-time comes you will sleep if not the full night after a few days it does regulate itself and you'll be awake during the days and will sleep at night. And even if you are not sleeping at night the body is at rest, and the physiological process which goes on in the body when you sleep also goes on in the body during the night while you're unable to sleep.



You go on like that day after day and then you say: When is it time to break the fast? When can I start eating again? Of course some people cannot fast more than a few days, because they work or something else, but if you have the time you can fast two or three months. The time to break the fast actually is when you feel hunger, real hunger. And you don't feel that in the stomach, you feel it in your mouth and in your throat. That is when you should start eating. If you don't start eating when you feel this, then the fasting turns over into starvation or hunger. Fasting is beneficial for you, hunger and starvation is very bad for you.



During the fasting, you drink water, you should not dring fuit juice. You will not quench your thirst with fruit juice, because fruit juice firstly should be chewed, masticated in the mouth to be mixed with saliva, and secondly fruit juice is a food and it has to be digested and assimilated in the body. But water enters into the body without being digested.

When you feel this real hunger coming, the force to eat is so strong that you cannot resist eating. You can break the fast in many ways, but there is only one or maybe two correct ways to break it. One can put lemon in a glass of water or orange or anything, but if you take a slice of orange or a piece of an apple, chew it very well. And after a couple of hours, you take another slice or another piece of the apple, and chew that very well, after two hours more you take more, bigger and bigger; it depends on how long you have been fasting. If you've been for 2-3 days, you can take bigger pieces, but if you've been fasting for one or two months, then you've got to break the fast very gradually.

A man of 45-50 (or a woman) who has been fasting for 3-4 weeks, his tissues in the body have actually got about 10 to 15 years younger. If you want to keep this, you should stick to a very strict vegetarian diet, or a vegan diet - no eggs, no milk, no animal products -. If you stick to that, the results will stick to you for quite many years. After sticking to this vegan diet, you'll like it. Your health has turned up to a higher level. I will show you some fasts which have been done. Dr. Shelton said he had over 40.000 people fasting under his guidance, that's a lot of experience. But before that, you have any questions?



Question: When it's not for illness, what do you think about healthy people fasting? How long? How often?



Arne Wingqvist: Well, healthy people fasting of course do benefit from it, because to attain full health is a lot of difficult, especially if you eat cooked food. If you stick to raw food, fresh fruits, seeds, nuts, almonds and fresh raw vegetables then it's much easier to obtain the very top health. And what is "top health"? A lot of people would say that it's full harmony in body and soul, and with your environment and with your family and friends, and that's very correct. But full harmony, if we take it in the physiologic meaning, that means that every one of your billions of cells in the body are clean out as much as possible, almost at 100%, from the poisonous end products of the digestion and assimilation. Because there are some poisonous end products even if you're on fresh fruits, etc., but not so much; if you eat meat and things then there are much more. And meat has not the property to effectively clean out every single cell in the body.

Arne Wingqvist:ええ、健康な人の断食ももちろん有益。なぜなら最大限の健康を達成するには多くの困難があるから。特に調理された食物を食べる場合。もし新鮮な果物、種子、ナッツ、アーモンドや新鮮野菜などの生の食物を支持するなら、まさに最上の健康をより手に入れ易い。また、「最上の健康」とは何?肉体と精神、そしてその人の周りの環境や家族、友だちとの完全な調和と多くの人々は言うでしょう。それはとても正しい。しかし完全な調和。もし生理学的な意味で解釈するなら、あなたの体内の莫大な数の細胞全てが消化や同化作用の有毒な最終生成物から出来る限り、殆んど100%浄化されていることを意味する。なぜなら、例え新鮮な果物などだけ摂っていても僅かではあるが、若干の有毒な最終生成物が存在するから;もし肉などを食べればより多く存在する。そして肉は体内のあらゆる個々の細胞を一掃する効果的な特質を持っていない。


A healthy person who wants to fast, he can fast when he likes it. Many fast one day a week, some fast on sundays, others fast on wednesdays, etc. Other people say in the springtime or maybe also in the fall. And it's always beneficial to you, always. Because most of us, we do overeat, so we'll give the body a physical rest.



Question: Is there any risk from drinking too much water during the fast?



Arne Wingqvist: You should drink to quench the thirst. If you feel that after drinking half a glass or one glass you're not thirsty, then you stop with it. Maybe after an hour or two or four you get thirsty again, then you drink to quench the thirst. Because the body does not use the overconsumption, it has no use for it. And one very important thing: do not take any enemas, during fasting. It's not necessary. The body knows itself when it's time; it doesn't matter if you fast a day, or a week, or a month or two. Enemas irritate the system, and it's not necessary.

Arne Wingqvist:喉の渇きを癒すために飲むべき。コップ半杯、あるいは1杯の水を飲んだ後、喉の渇きを感じないなら、そこで飲むのを止める。おそらく1時間後、あるいは24時間後に再び喉の渇きを感じる。その時のどの渇きを癒すために飲む。何故なら肉体は消費しすぎることがないので使い道がない。そしてとても重要な事:断食期間中浣腸するな。これは必要ではない。肉体はその時を知っている。断食を1日、あるいは1週間、あるいは1ヶ月行うかは問題ではない。浣腸は器官を刺激する。必要なものではない。


This is a fast I'll tell you about. There on the stage you see 11 men, in 1954 from 1st of august to the 17th of august we were fasting taking only water for 17 days. The 1st day we were walking 50 km from Goteborg. The 2nd day another 50 km only taking water. We kept on like that until the 10th day. We had then made 500 km, a little more, maybe 530, taking only water for ten days. In Sweden we have daylight, it's almost daylight all day long, 24 hours a day in the summer. Here it's different. This shows the reception, we came into Stockholm on a rainy sunny afternoon, and the police said there were over 200,000 people out on the street to welcome us. We had a 6 motorcyclists escort ahead of us and 4 behind us. We were received in a big open-air theatre in Stockholm, and they had never had so many visitors to the park, they had more than 5,000 people. A lot of the city people, and businessman and vegetarians came to greet us welcome. I'm the third one, that waves his hand. The man to the left is a surgery doctor, he took the initiative and was the leader. When we came to Stockholm after 10 days we were examined by doctors. And then the doctors said: "Well, but of course before you start to eat again". The fast lasted another 7 days, but we didn't walk 50 km a day. But we could very well have done it, we could have kept on 12-13-14 days. We lost on the average about 9 kgs.



I have good friends in Bangkok - as all over - and one of my best friends is the charter president of the VegBangkok Society. In 1992 it started and I've given some lectures there. And then he asked me one day: "Could we arrange a fasting walkathon here in Thailand?". So in 1996 on the 20th of january, from the middle of Thailand, about 300 km from Bangkok, joined 9-10 people from Thailand, 1 chinese, 1 american, 1 singapurian and 4 swedish people. They started out they all walked about 40 kms in the day. I didn't participate in that one, but my friend here on the left participated, 79 and a half years old. Taking only water. The three other sweedish participants were my sons, from 23 to 30 years, they were also taking only water. The others used to take fruit juices or vegetable juices.

私はバンコックのあちらこちらに良き友をもっている。そして一番の親友はVegBangkok Societyの設立会長。1992年にそこで講義を行い始めた。それから、彼はある日、私に頼んだ:「ここタイで断食ウォーカソン(長距離行進)を手配してくれないか」。そして19961月20日、バンコックから約300kmのタイ中央から、そしてタイから9-10人、中国人1人、アメリカ人1人、シンガポール人1人、そしてスゥエーデン人4人。彼らはみな日中約40km歩き始めた。私はそれに参加しなかったが、ここ左手にいる79歳と半年の友人は参加した。水だけ摂る。他のスゥエーデン人3人は私の息子たちで23-30歳。彼らはまた水だけ摂った。他の人たちはフルーツジュースや野菜ジュースを摂った。


This lady is Sigrid De Leo, she is the second head of the EVU. She lives in Switzerland. We made a bicycle tour in Sweden for 1,410 kms. That is the same distance as Chiang Mai - Bangkok and return. This was 15th of july to 2nd of august, 19 days. We were eating only fresh fruits, nuts, seeds and fresh uncooked vegetables. I did this at the age of 78, and Mrs. De Leo was 53, and there was another swedish man also 53 years of age. The longest tour we made was 130 kms in a day, the shortest one was 25 kms. Previously Sigrid had been eating greens and cooked food, but she was born a vegetarian, and after this bicycle tour she's totally on raw food.

Sigrid De LeoさんはEVUのセカンド会長。彼女はスイスに住む。われわれはスゥエーデンで1410kmの自転車ツアーを行った。それはチェンマイからバンコック往復の距離と同じ。715日から82日までに19日間だった。新鮮な果物、ナッツ、種子や調理されていない新鮮野菜だけ食べていた。私はこれを78歳の時に行った。そしてDe Leoさんは53歳。別にいたスゥエーデン人もまた53歳だった。一番長いツアーは1日に130km、一番短い日は25kmだった。以前Sigridさんは緑のものや調理されたものを食べていたが、彼女はベジタリアンに生まれていた。そしてこの自転車ツアーの後、彼女は完全な生食生活になった。









クョスコニョ    [1] 
 前のテキスト: 生菜食で健康になるには
 次のテキスト: 生食と健康と病気




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